Wednesday 6 December 2017


For me Dogs are the best! Because they love you more than themselves. They can sense sadness/pain when you are depressed. Dogs are amazing than cats, Cats are lazy and sometime will scratch you. I will tell you 3 reasons why Dogs are better than cats.

FIRST OFF, when you arrived at home cats linger in doorways. I've tried that feeling when you arrived someone approaches you with love and licks from dogs. I have that one friend who loves cats when I entered their house hi Cat approaches me with their tails straighten up my legs and scratching my legs. Not like dogs they jumped,wiggle and sometimes scream because of excitement.

Second, Dogs improve you health too, with their need for daily walks getting you out of the house. Even when you want to entertain you inner couch potato, you cant! as dogs force you to exercise. Not like cats they cant be walk because they are too lazy to walk and go to the park, I have heard only a few cats wants to go for a walk but dogs mostly 10,000 dogs have been walked in the park for one day. You can also lose weight while doing it. You'll meet new friends and you can socialize with them.

Third, They say you cant teach an old dog new tricks,but you cant teach a cat any at all. Its not just about playing games of fetch. Bertie, my two year old Cavalier, and I have a repertoire for house guests to show off his skills in begging and doing roly-poly on command. With their heightened sense of smell and alert ear, Dogs can save your life. I heard from the BBC NEWS PATROL that their dog saved them from danger. Their Dog pitbull saved their baby by Biting the tail of a python they faught and until they both died except for the Baby.

To finish my proving, I herby say Dogs are better then Cats cause "Dogs are man's bestfriends". Dogs aint lazy you can have fun with them by teaching them tricks, They can give you a nice hug and a warm kiss from their lips. Dogs can LOVE you more than themselves.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

The Golden Harvest
(A Thai Folktale)Long ago in Old Ayudhya, there lived a man named Nai Hah Tong whodreamed of turning copper into gold. His wife, Nang Song Sai, had little faith inmagic. She believed in the wealth of nature and richness of the earth. When herhusband boasted, “Some day, we will be the richest people in Ayudhya,” shelistened patiently; however, when all their tical had been used for experiments, shedecided something would have to be done about her husband’s great expectation.She said to her husband, “Nai Hah Tong, you have experimented with copperand a monkey’s paw, copper and lizard’s tail. You have polished copper with thegold stripe of fur cut from the tiger’s skin, but the copper did not turn into gold. Whydon’t you give up this dream and go to work like other men?”Her husband said, “
Mai chai
, that is not right. With each experiment mymagic has grown stronger.”
Mai pen rai
, never mind, my husband, you must do what you must do,” sheanswered. The next day, however, she went home to see her father and asked him whatto do about Nai Hah Tong’s unreasonable search for gold.Her wise old father did not seem disturbed. He said, “Pai, go now, and saynothing of this meeting. I have a plan to help your husband.” The next day Nai Hah Tong received an invitation to dine with his father-in-law. At
, or meal time, Nai Hah Tong was there on the mat-covered floorbeside the elderly gentleman. The old man said, “My son, since you desired power and a long life, you sitfacing east. I see honor and dignity, so I shall sit facing west.”“
, yes, my father, I always follow the old relief. I never sit facing northwhen I eat, for I fear the bad luck such an action would cause, but sometimes, I eatfacing south because I would like to have esteem and respect.” The old man smiled and nodded in agreement.A servant interrupted and conversation by placing a large tray bearing bowlsof white rice, hot chicken curry, roasted turtle eggs, vegetables and
, aspicy sauce made from beetles and fish paste. Another tray held bowls of freshwater for washing, cloths for drying, and lime scent for perfuming the hands. Themen ate from the same bowls, using only the fingers of their right hand. They didnot speak very much while eating because the delicious food demanded theircomplete attention. The curry was spicy, yet sweet with the added milk of thecoconut. The rice was fluffy and fresh from the top of the pot. The
bit thetongue, but it was good and made the mild milk drink more tasty by contrast.When the meal was over, Nai Hah Tong felt as content as a baby gibbonsitting upon his mother’s lap.“Ah, we are lucky for fish in the water and rice on the land,” he said.“
, my son, but there is more to life than good food. I have asked you tocome to see me this evening because I need your help. Like you, my son, I havebeen looking for a way of turning copper into gold. Now, I know how to do it.”Nai Hah Tong drew in his breath and made a long, long whistling sound. “Oh,it’s too good to be true! I can’t believe it!” he said.“Listen carefully, Nai Hah Tong. I have all things I need for the miracle exceptone additional ingredient. Because I am an old man, I don’t think I can work hard enough and long enough  to turn copper into gold.Nai hong tai did his best and followed what his step-dad told him. He brought priest to his land to bless it and everyday Nai  hong tai gives offering to the gods to bless his ticals,fuzzs and more. Time passes by they became rich without Nai hah tong  noticing it because his Wife selled all his tical and fuzz,when he returned back to his step-dad he was excited and told his step-dad that he did his best and effort and teach me how to turn copper into gold but his dad told him that he cant turn copper into gold but he turned Rich without knowing because of its tical and fuzz. Nai hah tai was amazed of his foolishness and created a statue of his father,His children said what are you making daddy? He told them that Im making a statue of my step- father because He’s a master magician and because of his Wisdom.

The Gold Harvest is a Thailand folktale made by thailand. Reading this story could affect your lazy life or it could change your actions, because of it’s deep lessons.
The story somehow is very good.
This blog your about to read will tackle about Thailand’s culture and traditions and with pictures in it and I will try my best to find its origins of the story.

The gold harvest was made by  Thailand. The moral of the story was “If a person wants his or her dreams to come true he must work hard on it and move, because if you are lazy enough you cant reach your dream” . 

Thailand’s culture is great because of it’s Values
Thai culture is deeply influenced by religion. With around 95% of the country being Theraveda Buddhist, the belief system and values of Buddhism play a huge role in day-to-day life. Throughout the country, the most important values that Thai people hold to are respect, self-control, and a non-confrontational attitude.  Losing face by showing anger or by telling a lie is a source of great shame for Thai people.
In general, displays of emotion in public are viewed in a very negative light.  No matter how frustrated or upset a person might feel, he or she will always strive to maintain a positive and friendly attitude, a sense of humor, and a smile.
Respect for elders and for those in higher social positions is also important. Hierarchies of social status characterize nearly every interaction. Children are expected to respect their parents and teachers. The young must show deference to the elderly.  Those with highly prestigious positions in society, such as doctors, important public figures, and monks are almost revered.
Family is central to Thai life.  Although many newly-married couples will set up their own households, it is not uncommon for extended family to live with them.  Often, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles will all live in the same household and help to raise children and provide for the family. Children are expected to show great respect for their parents, and they maintain close ties, even well into adulthood.
Although Thailand’s family life and society has been traditionally male-dominated, women are granted considerable respect. Recent laws and legislation have allowed women more freedom to move out of traditional roles and into professions such as politics, medicine, and business.

This is there culture. Much of Thailand’s culture comes from the ethnic Thai people.  One of the most important influences on Thai culture has been Buddhism. Many of the traditions and beliefs of the people in Thailand stem directly from Buddhist principles.  Hinduism has also made important contributions to Thai culture, and the close links between Thailand and India can be seen in art, literature, and in many Thai customs.  The cultures of nearby Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and China have also played an important role in forming the traditions of Thailand, as have indigenous belief systems such as Animism.
Of Thailand’s nearly 70 million people, roughly two thirds are from Thai ethnic groups. Although the ethnic Thai people can be divided into dozens of different subgroups, their traditions, languages, and cultures differ only slightly. This leads to a population with a strong sense of shared traditions and cultural identity.
The remaining third of the population is made up primarily of Chinese, as well as various minorities including Vietnamese, Khmer, Hmong, and Mein. Even among these diverse ethnic groups, the Thai language is widely spoken and understood, and the Thai script is often used in place of traditional writing styles.
Since the 1950s, Thailand’s government has made efforts to preserve and strengthen the sense of national culture and national identity. During the 1980s and 1990s, however, Thailand saw a resurgence in local culture and traditions.  Although there is still a strong national identity, local food, dances, music, celebrations, and beliefs have begun to play a more important role in Thai life. As I red the story I was moved by the it’s lesson that his step-father lied in other for him to work much harder just to turn the copper into gold.
I conclude that in the story his step-father lied in other for him to let Nai hah tong move more and for me “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right path,but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their hands”. TBH,I got moved or inspired to this story I almost changed and stopped being lazy because of Nai hah tong’s step- father’s WISDOM.

Friday 4 August 2017

Nutrition month 2K17

Our Nutrition month 2K17 was held on July 28,2017 FRIDAY. 8:00 until 8:30 was our Nutriwalk or Nutriparade with our cheer being sang. there was laughter,smiles everywhere

Our second program was The ZUMBA exercise on the time of 8:30 to 10:30.All the teachers in Junior highschool participated and joined our zumba with their best efforts. They get to choose 2 of the best dancers in Junior Highschool.

The third program was the NutriChef held on the quadrangle in the ACT-ISD school on the time of 10:30 to 11:30,All the participants must cooked healthy and delicious food just for 60 minutes.

The forth program was the Nutrition month Program with the Mr. and Ms. nutrition participants figting through their Intermission dance,Formal attire and the Question and Answer portion.These two participants in my photo was crowned 1st runner in Mr. and Ms. nutrition both of them and also the Grade 10 dances their jingle dance once again.